

5 Efficient Ways to Promote Your New eCommerce Site

An eCommerce website has created a buzz over the internet. This platform makes possible financial success for every kind of business or eCommerce website, whether it is small, medium, or large. The businesses that do not have their online website will have to design a reliable website for their website sooner or later to compete

How to Write an Effective Developer Resume?

Many people are not familiar with software development and they think it is an easy job. It is not truе and it rеquirеs a lot of skills and undеrstanding of computеr programming. This articlе will go through resume making tips for a dеvеlopеr job. A rеsumе can gеt you into thе doors at еmployеrs’ who look for

How Quality Content Delivers Best SEO Results

Search engine optimization and content marketing both practices are connected. A content marketing strategy is mainly pointed for getting good SEO results. You can say, for creating the best SEO strategy, you have to be focused on content. The use of quality content for SEO purposes (such as – adding content to web pages, publishing

How to Implement a Pixel-perfect iOS UI Design?

In the modern era of technology and designing, we probably all have heard the phrase “pixel-perfect design” without understanding its actual meaning. But recently, you may listen to the pixel-perfect iOS concept; now, it has come with a pixel-perfect iOS UI design. Though Pixel’s perfect iOS UI design concept cannot be defined in simple words,

How To Escalate Your Twitter Engagement?

Use the Twitter platform to see real results all the time, and you can get better results when you spend real efforts. This microblogging service allows users to send and receive short messages/posts called tweets. You can add relevant website links with your tweets, but those tweets should only be from 140 to 280 characters.

10 Online Places To Learn Coding

Learning different programming languages help you in many ways. It enables you to understand the technical part of web design and development, take care of UX and UI issues, reduce your dependence on full-time web developers, and save lots of money that you spend on hiring programmers. Due to various reasons, you may not like

7 Best Security Extensions for Magento

Various security vulnerabilities are a major threat to Magento websites. In spite of all precautions and security measures applied by entrepreneurs to secure their websites, the emergence of new security threats gives them sleepless nights. Just a single security loophole is enough to bring their E-commerce ventures down within a few minutes. So, what they can do